This week we had fantastic weather for our annual athletics carnival as well as having our first week of the SPARKS program. Read all about it and see the photos in this week's edition.
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This week see all the photos of the first Musica Viva performance as well as the Stage 2 Wollongong City Council Excursion.
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Welcome back to Term 2. This term looks like being very hectic with
some very important events. These include school photographs, Musica Viva
performance, the NAPLAN testing for Years 3 and 5, our SPARKS program, athletics
carnival, PSSA sport, half-year reports and parent / teacher interviews. It
is extremely important to check the school calendar on a weekly basis to check
dates and to ensure events are added to your diaries. Of course, the calendar
is also available on our website where you can ensure you are up to date with a
subscription to our RSS feed – full details on the link on our website.